We Believe...


... He is the Father in Creation.

There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  God demonstrated his His power and authority through His creation. God is the creator of the earth and the world and everything that is in it. 


...The Bible is for every Baptized Born Again Believer

The bible is the inspired, infallible, written word of God. Revealed to chosen authors who wrote as God's Holy Spirit spoke to them. 

The Old Testament is prophesies concealed and The New Testament is prophesies revealed.  

The BIBLE is the guidance for the Believer's walk of faith. In a nutshell, the bible is the Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth.


...The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides salvation and is available to everyone. 

To confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in the heart that Jesus was raised from the dead is how to get saved. 

By the grace of God, through the faith (trust) is how One is saved. Salvation is not a work of human effort; therefore, man cannot earn salvation, it is the gift of God through Christ Jesus.


...Jesus Christ is the Son in Redemption.

He is the second person of the Holy Trinity.  Jesus is the obedient only begotten son of the Father, who submitted to His Father's will and pleased Him in His obedience to die on the cross to redeem humanity. It is through Jesus Christ alone, that sins are remitted. Jesus Christ sits on the right hand of the Father making intercession on the behalf of the Believers. He is our soon coming King!  


...The Holy Spirit in Regeneration

The Holy Spirit is greatest and only teacher, He is the leader who enlightens the Believer to understand the word of God and how to apply it to their daily lives. The Holy Spirit is the gift giver and we believe in the operation of all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.


...We believe in Healing. 

The healing of the total man: spirit, soul and body is by Jesus' stripes. Healing is the children's bread. We believe that Jesus came to heal everyone, to include the world.


...We Operate in the Gifts

We believe in the five-fold ministries (apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers) is to perfect the saints, for work the ministry, to edify the body of Christ. These office gifts are vital, necessary and critical to equip and edify the Believer for Kingdom work and advancement.


...We Baptise the Redeemed

We  are charged to go make disciples of all people and to baptise them. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment to Jesus. The Believers are immersed in water publicly identifying themselves with Christ: death, burial and resurrection. 


...We administer communion in remembrance of Jesus and to show His death until He comes. 

Communion is the expressed fellowship, Koinonia, with the Father and His children. We take communion knowing that His broken body is for our healing and His shed blood is for our redemption. Communion is served weekly at The Harvest Church.